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• Use a FINE-TIPPED TWEEZER to grasp the tick as close to the
skin’s surface as possible
• PULL UPWARD with steady even pressure, don’t twist or jerk-this
can cause the mouth parts to break off and remain in the skin. Try
to remove the mouth parts but if unable to remove all parts leave it
alone and let the skin heal.
• After removing the tick, thoroughly CLEAN THE BITE AREA and
your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub or soap and water.
MONITOR FOR SIGNS OF LYME for the next 2-6 weeks. These symptoms may include a BULLSEYE RASH around the tick bite (or elsewhere), any signs of FEVER, JOINT PAINS, INCREASED LETHARGY (sleepiness) or atypical symptoms. If these symptoms are present your child will need to be seen by the pediatrician for a visit and evaluation for Lyme Disease. Typically in children we DO NOT USE ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS for tick bites however if you live in a highly endemic region or have had lyme disease before you should discuss this with your pediatrician.
Most important in prevention of Lyme Disease is EARLY DETECTION of tick bites. Doing daily “TICK CHECKS” on your children after playing outdoors in the spring and summer is essential. If the tick has been attached for <24 HOURS, your risk of Lyme disease is extremely small.
Along with PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (hats, long pants) insect spray is important in lyme and insect bite prevention. Use of an insect spray with at least 10% DEET OR PERMETHRIN for application to skin and/or clothing is recommended in order to prevent tick and insect bites. Products that have both sunscreen and insect spray in them are usually less effective and not recommended (however insect spray and sunscreen individually may be applied at the same time). Parents should apply insect spray to their children taking care to AVOID HANDS, EYES, AND MOUTH. Parents should apply the spray to their own hands and then apply to child. Take care after returning indoors to WASH YOUR CHILD’S TREATED SKIN and clothes with soap and water or bathe.
The information presented in this section is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice or diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information is intended for your general knowledge only